Monday, May 31, 2010

On Memorial Day, this "Bud" is for you.

Today is Memorial Day. For many it is a day filled with picnics and BBQ's, it is a day of rest and relaxation. We celebrate life on this day, because of those who died to protect it.

The World War II Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial is the only American military cemetery in the Netherlands. The cemetery site has a rich historical background, lying near the famous Cologne-Boulogne highway built by the Romans and used by Caesar during his campaign in that area. The highway was also used by Charlemagne, Charles V, Napoleon, and Kaiser Wilhelm II. In May 1940, Hitler's legions advanced over the route of the old Roman highway, overwhelming the Low Countries. In September 1944, German troops once more used the highway for their withdrawal from the countries occupied for four years.

The cemetery's tall memorial tower can be seen before reaching the site, which covers 65.5 acres. From the cemetery entrance the visitor is led to the Court of Honor with its pool reflecting the tower. At the base of the tower facing the reflecting pool is a statue representing a mother grieving her lost son. To the right and left, respectively, are the Visitor Building and the map room containing three large, engraved operations maps with texts depicting the military operations of the American armed forces. Stretching along the sides of the court are Tablets of the Missing on which are recorded 1,722 names. Rosettes mark the names of those since recovered and identified.

It holds the remains of my Grandmother's brother: Harry Edwards "Bud" Byerman. Tailgunner on a B17 that went down over Belgium.

My family overall has been blessed when it comes to the ravages of war. Out of my cousins, Uncles, Grandparents, and most importantly, my Father, only Bud lost his life over the course of 5 Wars our country has fought in the past 100 years. Yet each one of them stepped forward to take our place. On this day I give thanks for all the brave men and women who have given their all. I also continue to pray for all the brave men and women that stand ready to give their all for our country.

The Bible says, "Greater Love has no man, than he lay his life down for a friend." Bud Byerman and the thousands who gave their lives in the wars did it for friends, family, and even people they never met before. I say this not to make you feel guilty eating your Hamburgers and Hot dogs this Memorial Day, I say this so that we remember what true sacrifice really is.

So raise your glasses high me boyos! Salute those who stood in the breach. God bless you all, and I thank HIM for you.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What is the world coming to?

One of the things that astounds me in this country of ours, is the ability for common sense to get thrown out the window. While the Federal Government mocks Arizona's decision to enforce immigration law, it then turns around and begins to enforce it against those who have attempted to gain political asylum legally and with legitimate reasons. Below is a post from my Pastor, Mark Martin of Calvary Community Church in Phoenix, that everyone should check out.

I've been recommending a great book lately called "Son of Hamas" by Mosab Hassan Yousef, his American name is Joseph. His father is one of the founders of the Hamas terrorist organization in the Palestinian Authority. Joseph (Mosab) didn't believe in all the violence and terrorism against the Israelis and he started working for the Israeli Shin Bet (like our CIA or FBI) as a secret agent and informant. He helped the Israelies greatly throughout the years and became a Christian a few years ago. He left Israel for the US a couple years ago and applied for political asylum and now Homeland Security is wanting to deport him as a "terrorist." This is insane and would amount to sending him to his death because he's considered a traitor by his people.

We need to pray fervently for our brother and spread the word about his situation. Write to as many news organizations as you can as well as to our Senators and Congressmen urging them to help Joseph.

More on the story can be found here:

Assist News Service Article

Joseph's Blog

Visit Joseph's Facebook page with more info at:

Joseph's Facebook page

Joseph's Facebook Comments and Request for Help
(Note that you need to have your own Facebook account in order to view other pages on Facebook).

Write Your Senators:

Senator Jon Kyl
730 Hart Senate Office Bldg
Washington DC 20510
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Senator John McCain
241 Russell Senate Office Bldg
Washington DC 20510
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Write Your Congressman (the 2 that represent Calvary's 2 campuses are here):

Representative Trent Franks
2435 Rayburn House Office Bldg
Washington DC 20515
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Representative John Shadegg
436 Cannon House Office Bldg
Washington DC 20515
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