Wednesday, June 16, 2010

When all fails...

It's not easy to admit when you've failed. It's even harder when you've failed someone else and not just yourself.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that struggles with sin, doubt, and other foibles of the flesh. I'm also pretty sure I'm not the only one that can get a little too overconfident in my ability to win out over the flesh. When Paul tells us in Galations to "Walk in the Spirit...and ..Do not do the deeds of the Flesh" we cinch up our pants and start heading down the Spirit path. Or so we think.

Stumbling and falling, we cry out and ask God why He didn't keep us from making that mistake, yelling at that person, walking by the needy ones. We seem to forget that the sanctification process is messy, not because of the Holy Spirit's lack of ability, but because we still wear this flesh suit. True, it doesn't have the power over us that it did before we knew Jesus as Lord and Savior, however, it still trips us up with the help of the world and our enemy.

That's why I'm so glad the Holy Spirit allowed the whole picture to be painted in scripture of the "Heroes of the Faith." Think about it: Moses reluctance and anger issues, David's adultery and murder of an innocent man, Solomon's brilliant wisdom turned to useless mutterings as he followed his young pagan wives to the idol's altars, Peter's 'foot in mouth' disease, John and James 'Me first' squabbling, and even Paul's unforgiving heart towards John Mark early on in his ministry.

When all fails...God does not.

On my knees yesterday with heart broken, tears spent, I cried out and He heard my cry. I had failed, He had not. I had sinned, He forgave. I had lost, He restored.

When all fails...God does not.

Let that be something that you repeat to yourself on a regular basis. It's the truth the enemy doesn't want you to know. Guilt is his weapon of choice, especially for failures like you and me. The good news is that it's rendered ineffective by the blood of Jesus shed for all.

Time to get back up and let Him dust me off and set my feet back on the path of righteousness with a Spirit walk. Can't wait to keep this sanctification journey going. Join me...