Saturday, March 20, 2010


When the world of blogging arrived several years ago, I had the opportunity to jump on board. In fact the company I was working for at the time, called KnowledgeNet, wanted its instructors to do blogging on the subjects we taught on. The thought I had back then continues to be the thought I have had recently: Why?

Quite honestly, what do most people care about my opinions on Project Management or Cisco Wireless when there are far more intelligent or more studied individuals out there writing great stuff? And then God called me to plant Calvary Chapel Maricopa in 2005. Many of the hot "church planters" encouraged all of us "rookies" to use social media (including blogging) as part of our outreach. I admit that MySpace was quickly dismissed as it really became more of a Glamour page for whoever made one. Then Facebook came on strong and I got sucked into the vortex by a Pastor friend of mine. I think the quote was, "If Pastor Dan is doing it, then I guess I should too." Okay, I succombed to peer pressure. You see, you really don't want to listen to me.

Then someone very close to me, a spiritual mentor and "big brother" in Jesus, suggested that I begin to write out some thoughts and experiences. Pastor Mark Martin has a very attuned heart to the leadings of the Spirit and so, I've been considering how to implement that. When you're Pastor tells you something, it's good to send up a signal flare to your Heavenly Father to see what's going on. Pastor Mark has taught me quite a bit about being a shepherd of the sheep.

So, here we are. The local paper and online site for the city of Maricopa have run articles written by yours truly and they seemed to get good responses from those 4 people who read them. (Thanks Mom!) I say that not to toot my horn, but I haven't really sought after these opportunities and they keep calling and asking for more. So a blog has been started. The writing has commenced. This is just a sounding board from my experiences as a Pastor of a small church, a Chaplain with the Sheriff's Department, a Husband, a Father, and hopefully a good son. Overall I hope my "thinking outloud" will cause you to seek the LORD with more fervor, and desire to experience life in Jesus.